Here are some limbs to look for when pruning your trees or bushes.

                     Here are some limbs to look for when pruning your trees or bushes.

As a general practice, we do not include yard work in our maintenance list but this is one that impacts the health and durability of your house.  Tree branches rubbing or falling on the house can do a tree-mendous amount of damage. Vines growing on the house can also do damage.  It is a good idea to do this chore early in February before spring starts to set in but once the worst of winter has passed.  Prune branches far enough back so that wind does not blow them against the roof or walls.  It is a good idea to go outside when there is a high wind and watch.  You will probably be surprised how far the branches will bend in a high wind.  And don’t forget that they will grow before you prune them again, so cut them back a little further.  Plant material built up on the house provides a good means for insects and rodents to get in.  Also, if you have an overhead power, telephone or cable line coming to your house, keep it clear of blowing branches. Be especially careful with ladders and other tools around power lines.