Have you been to Houzz? Houzz is a social media website dealing with home design ideas, from furniture and fabrics to custom and homes and remodeling projects. Houzz is a place for homeowners to browse a database of more than two-million photos of residential interiors and exteriors. Home owners can browse photos by room, style, and location, and bookmark pictures in a personal collection called an idea book, similar to Pinterest’s idea boards. The search engine works great to pull up very specific ideas. We set up private idea books to share photos with our clients and allow them to share photos the find in Houzz with us.  This helps them communicate their tastes and wishes, and it allows us to show them ideas that they can view at their leisure.  It is a wonderful tool for collaboration.

Houzz started with a home project of co-founders Adi Tatarko and Alon Cohen as they worked conceiving their dream home. The couple started thinking about their remodeling project with a stack of magazines. Tired of cutting pages out of magazines for their inspiration file, they thought ‘there has to be a better way.’ This is when they came up with the idea of creating an online database for those interested in the process of building, remolding and interior design which is now known as Houzz.

The Cohen’s first started Houzz as a side project but it has since grown into a community of more than 20 million homeowners, architects, interior designers and. Houzz is a bottomless well of inspiration at the tip of your fingertips. Get inspired by visiting our Stearns Design-Build Houzz  site where you can view past and ongoing projects. Also be sure to browse our daily updated idea books full of inspirational ideas for your custom home or remodeling project.