Discover the transformative benefits of outdoor home remodeling with Stearns Design Build. Spending time in nature profoundly affects our well-being, from reducing stress and blood pressure to enhancing emotional health. At Stearns, we specialize in seamlessly integrating nature into residential design, creating outdoor spaces that our clients adore!

Imagine a stunning deck and pergola nestled within a garden oasis in your backyard. Even with limited space, you can enjoy the beauty of a garden retreat.

Ever considered a small herb garden for your kitchen? It’s a simple way to introduce live plants into your green kitchen design, adding functionality, charm, and delightful aromas.

Find a sunny spot for your herbs—perhaps a windowsill will do. To maximize plant space, consider installing shelves within a bay window, creating a flourishing herb haven right in your kitchen.

 Herbs on kitchen window shelves

You could also arrange your herbs more vertically, placing them on shelves alongside or close to a window. These shelves can be part of your kitchen cabinetry or free-mounted shelves. You can also add areas for drying your herbs!

 Verticle window herb garden

The containers you choose add personality to your herb garden. Try to plant your herbs in recycled containers, like large cans or jars. Ensure you know the needs of the herbs you are growing so containers are the appropriate size and shape. Also, be sure to think about drainage for your herbs with a layer of pebbles or terra cotta chips at the bottom of each container. Each herb also doesn’t need its own container. Some herbs are taller, and some are more like ground cover. Mixing these herbs together utilizes all of your potting space.

There are lots of herbs you can plant (basil, oregano, mint, parsley, thyme, dill, etc.). Choose herbs that you frequently use when you cook! But don’t be afraid to try something new—you might find your new favorite herb for seasoning.

Whether you’re new to gardening or an experienced green thumb, I encourage you to embrace the challenge of growing your own herbs instead of relying on store-bought options. I’m confident you’ll find the experience rewarding and enjoyable. Start today and enjoy an abundance of fresh herbs throughout the season!

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