Construction during a home remodel in Bryan / College Station, by Stearns Design Build. Isolation is being added to the home to promote smarter heating and cooling.

Construction during a home remodel in Bryan / College Station, by Stearns Design Build. Isolation is being added to the home to promote smarter heating and cooling.

How can you affect the 29% +17% of Heating and Cooling energy use?  

Tip #5 Smart Heating & Cooling: This is the biggest chunk of your energy usage, so it’s important that you make sure this area of energy is being used wisely.

  • Keep your heating temperature at 68 degrees and your cooling temperature at 78 degrees to save energy and money. If this is a little cooler/hotter then you are used to, don’t panic—dressing in warmer clothes during the winter and lighter clothes in the summer when you’re indoors will help you adjust. (Drinking hot chocolate & eating popsicles might also help as well!) Remember to adjust your thermostat by a degree or two when you’ll be gone from home for the day.
  • Be aware of how your heating and cooling system is working. Have it serviced regularly and if it’s becoming archaic, think about having it replaced with a more efficient model if your budget allows. There are even rebate programs offered for this type of upgrade.
  • Replace your Return Air Filter once a month.
  • Make sure weather-stripping around doors and windows are in good shape and repaired if necessary. Any penetration of your home envelope (plumbing, venting, etc.) should be properly sealed. This will help prevent heat/cold from escaping or entering depending on the season. Preventing the leakage of air from your home (or into your home) is a major way to increase the efficiency of your Heating & Cooling system.
  • Use blinds and curtains to control sunlight in spaces of your home. Remember direct sunlight brings heat, which may be welcome in the winter, but not in the summer.
  •  One way that you can become more aware of changes you can make in your home is to have a Home Energy Audit. The audit includes certain tests that identify problem areas that need to be addressed to increase your home’s efficiency. Better insulation, more efficient windows and Heating & Cooling systems, as well as sealing gaps or cracks in your home with spray foam insulation are all building related improvements that can be suggested by a home energy audit.

We hope you’ve found this blog series informative, and that it helps you discover adjustments you can make to save energy. If you have any comments or questions, please share them. We at Stearns always value and appreciate your input!